Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Sunday Worship Service?

Services are held each Sunday at 10:30 am.

* Due to concerns about COVID-19, Sunday Services currently meet both in-person and online. Because many folks in our congregation are in one or more high-risk categories, we ask that those attending in person who are eligible be fully vaccinated, wear masks, and practice social distancing where applicable. You can find our full COVID-19 policy here. For information about how to join us for services online, please contact us at INFO@UUCSV.ORG.

How long does the service last?

Our Sunday service lasts approximately one hour.

What can I expect during and after the service?

When you arrive you will be greeted by one of our members at our Welcome Table, where you may pick up guest information and a name tag. Guests with children will be introduced to our Director of Religious Education or a RGL (Religious Growth and Learning) teacher to connect children with the appropriate teacher and appropriate classroom.

A typical service includes lighting our chalice; sharing of joys and concerns; readings, hymns, and a sermon by our minister, a lay member of our congregation, or a guest speaker; an offering to support justice work in our community; and a closing benediction. Following the service, it has been our custom for all to gather for coffee, tea, light refreshments, and conversation in the Social Room; however, due to COVID-19, we are not serving refreshments at this time. Nevertheless, we still like to linger, chat, and welcome our guests!

What is the significance of the Chalice?

At the opening of our service, we light a candle inside a chalice. The flaming chalice has become a well-known symbol of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). It was created during World War II as a way to signify official papers and establish trust across barriers of language, nationality, and faith. The flaming chalice unites our members in worship and symbolizes the spirit of our work. For more information on the history of the chalice, visit the UUA website.

Where can I park?

There is parking on three sides of our building.

What should I wear?

Most people dress casually. Children are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes for sitting on floor cushions, playing outside (weather permitting), and participating in art projects.

Is there child care?

We have a nursery (Birth through Preschool age) that is staffed by a paid caregiver each week. Parents are welcome to be in the nursery with their child(ren).

Is there a program for children during the Sunday service?

We have Religious Growth and Learning (RGL) classes for grades K through 12.

On a typical Sunday, the entire congregation starts the service in the sanctuary. After about 15 minutes of community, the children are “sung out” to the various Religious Growth and Learning classes.

May my child stay with me during the service?

Of course!

How can I find out more information about UUCSV?

Please stop by our Welcome Table to fill out a Visitor Information Form. You may also pick up pamphlets and other literature on Unitarian Universalism and UUSCV. Our Greeters will be happy to answer any of your questions. Further information about Unitarian Universalism may be found at the Unitarian Universalist Association website,